, in the Tool Options panel), until he does, one can assign a hotkey to the 2D Grid + 2D Grid snapping, to invoke it on the fly.So I need to snap any floating point in 3D space to the nearest point on a sphere, the size of the sphere also needs to change as the point gets further from the origin, idk if that made sense or I'm just thinking about something incorrectly, but I made a picture of it in blender: So, although I do wish Andrew would add some sort of linear constraint to the LINE and RING selection mode.in 15 degree increments (would be nice to allow the user to set the number of increments. From that point on, you can cycle back to that stored camera shortcut (CTRL + LEFT or RIGHT arrow). You can even store the scale and position of the 2D Grid by going to the CAMERA menu (upper right corner of the viewport) and click ADD CAMERA SHORTCUT (or CTRL + UP arrow). To be fair to Andrew, that is sort of what the 2D grid is designed to do.to help provide an accurate visual guide and allow users to snap to grid if needed. That work-around is to enable the 2D grid in the VIEW menu > enable SNAP TO 2D GRID. I asked Andrew to enable the SHIFT key to constrain the LINE and RING selection, but he just eluded to a work-around rather than build the capacity into the tool.

See the attached picture - the right side image is an exaggerated example to help show what I mean. I had selected the pose tool and was using a brush in stroke mode to draw a line to get a soft selection type of falloff but I couldn't find a way to ensure that the start and end points of the stroke were constrained to the same axis. I've been using 3D Coat for just over a week and I have been overdosing on tutorials so excuse the lack of detail in my question. Carlosan thanks for the reply but its not the kind of example I was referring to.